Broderick Lab

Join The Lab

How to join The Broderick Lab

We are always interested in recruiting bright, motivated, and curious researchers. Undergraduates, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows excited by our research topics should contact Dr. Broderick directly by email with the information noted below. As a lab we are committed to fostering a diverse and positive lab climate. I am particularly open to helping promising applicants apply for fellowship opportunities, including opportunities to apply for NIH Diversity and Re-Entry Research Supplements to our current NIGMS grant for individuals at any level of training (high school students, undergraduates, postbaccalaureate researchers, predoctoral students and postdoctoral fellows).

Postdoctoral training position in the Broderick Lab

We are recruiting individuals interested in postdoctoral training in research related to Host-Microbe Interactions. Research in our lab seeks to identify the molecular basis of host-microbe and microbe-microbe interactions using the model Drosophila melanogaster and a variety of genetic, genomic, molecular and cell biology tools.

Minimum Qualifications:  The successful candidate will have a doctoral degree in a related field. They should also have excellent scientific writing ability as demonstrated by at least one publication or preprint, strong oral communication skills, the ability to work effectively with colleagues, and evidence of being an independent self-starter with strong time-management skills.

We place a strong emphasis on mentoring trainees towards their career development goals using Individualized Development Plans. To help facilitate this process there are numerous training opportunities within the Department, including weekly journal clubs and seminar series, as well as professional development courses and modular training workshops.

Please forward your curriculum vitae and a copy of a recent publication or preprint, with a cover letter describing your qualifications, what piqued your interest in our research and what research questions you would like to pursue in our lab, your availability, and the names and contact information for at least three references to Nichole Broderick at The position is available for the successful candidate to start immediately. 

Click here for the full description of the position.

Research Assistant/Lab Technician

The Broderick laboratory is seeking a full-time laboratory technician. The responsibilities include general lab maintenance and maintaining drosophila stocks, ordering supplies, and performing experiments in the areas of microbiology, molecular biology, and genomics. A Bachelor's degree or higher in biology or related field is required. Experience with techniques in either microbiology, genetics/genomics, or work with insects is a bonus. Ideal candidate would join the lab mid/late summer in our transition to Johns Hopkins University Department of Biology. If interested, send a CV and the names of three references to Nichole Broderick by e-mail at Applications from under-represented groups, including minorities, women, and people with disabilities are encouraged.

Graduate Applicants

Graduate students in the Broderick lab will be enrolled in the Johns Hopkins University Doctoral Program in Cell, Molecular, Developmental Biology, and Biophysics. Students must be admitted to the program and PhD students will participate in rotations prior to joining a lab. Questions relating to admissions to the Graduate Program should be directed to the Academic Affairs Administrator for the JHU Biology Department, Alecia Flynn.

Graduate students are typically funded via departmental Teaching Fellowships and Research Fellowships that are awarded based on funding and performance. Students are also encouraged to apply to external funding sources

Undergraduate Applicants

We encourage undergraduates to join our research team. Interested students should submit an unofficial transcript, list of planned course work, and complete our Undergraduate Questionnaire. We are most interested in enthusiastic and motivated students who can commit at least two full years to research (freshmen and sophomores are encouraged to apply), with a minimum of 5-10 hours per week during the academic year.

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Johns Hopkins University
Department of Biology
138 Levi, 3400 N Charles St
Baltimore, MD 21218